Last Thursday, I was invited to attend psychomotor test for MAS cadet pilot at MAS Simulator Building in Subang. It didn't float my boat initially but having heard that MAS pay a considerable amount of money for their pilot, I started to rethink about it.
I have to admit that I have no idea what Psychomotor test is all about. So, I started searching on the internet about it. Feeling quite informed about the test, I went on the test. My session is at 1045. I arrived there early (too early at 0830) to avoid jam on the Federal Highway. It was held on the simulator building. To get to the test room, we have to pass through a few simlators. I could see simulator for Boeing 747, 777, 737 and Airbus A330-300. Then my time came and I started the test. Damn!! It was harder than I thought it would be. As a result of that, I think you know what happened. I failed. Only a few of us made it through. Those who succeed are required to sit for another test on the same day. It is called Psychometric test or MAS called it Mispa. I was informed that the test is going to be even tougher.
Funny enough, after failing the test, my interest of being a pilot grows bigger. I think being a commercial airlines pilot is the easiest way of being rich at young age (other than being a son of a millionaire of course). Besides, I love the idea of being at different places all the time at other people costs. And I like being at the airport. I think it is one of the nicest place to work. That's what I think.
Because of that, I am going to apply for it at the next intake. One MAS personnel told me that they usually will have intake every year and they will publish it on the paper. InsyaAllah, next year with a better preparation and better luck, I will try again.
if that's what want to be..then, all d best 2 u buddy!
hey!i pon g saikomotor session kul 10.45,unfrtunately failed too maa.
asal xperasan u eh?masuk awal ke?
13 may rite?
hell yes!agreed with u!my interest on pilot career get much bigger and everyday i keep playing fligh simulator!hohoho.
nice blog brother, keep it up! ;)
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