Saturday 10 December 2011


You may remember that I went to the interview with Western Digital regarding the HEIGIP. Well, alhamdulillah. I got it. I don't know how because honestly, I didn't feel confident at all with the interview. Whatever it is, I got it. Praise to Allah.

To be honest, there are a few reasons why I'm not putting too much hope from that interview. Firstly, as I mentioned earlier, my parents wants me to work with the government. Secondly, I'm not a laboratory kind of person. If I do the internship with them, for sure I will be placed at the laboratory because of my major in chemistry. So, I just did my best during the interview but not having too much hope for it. Besides, my CGPA is not very strong as compared to the others.

Although it makes me think that maybe I'm now connecting the dot previously marked for me. Maybe He is trying to show me the way in which I should go. Because I'm a human. I need a lot of guidance. Although I prefer to work as an administrator, maybe that work is not suitable for me. As I always say, we may not get what we want. But He definitely gives us what we need. Maybe this is what I need.

However, this is only for internship. It is not necessary that I will end up working with Western Digital because there are a lot of selection procedure I have to undergo before they decide to hire me as their chemist. So this is just a mere 1st step for me. It is still early to make a conclusion.

I do hope for the best for my life. Pray for my success guys. I hope the path I take will bring prosperity to me in 'dunia wal akhirah'. Amiin...

Here are some picture of the HEIGIP launching at Putrajaya officiated by YBM KPT.

Those who are seconded to Western Digital

Yupp. I was interviewed by NTV7. Unfortunately, I never had a chance to see myself on TV.


inginTahu said...

well, congratulations to you for being selected to do the HEIGIP... intern under WD...
as for me, still waiting for the TM interview results... kami di interview secara group hr tu... nk cpt abes katanya...
**xde dgr apape pn... ntah~ xley high hope nnt kang sdey... huhuhu

oh, mknenye time perasmian tu anda da tau ek diterima intern under WD??
perasmian hr tu x dpt dtg, ade test...
x dpt pengecualian... hehe...
kalo x msti da dtg...

acute_writer said...

Alhamdulillah. Thank you. Kalau WD, die siap bg tau lg nanti internship masuk department mane.

inginTahu said...

oeh... cmne ngn tmpt tggl wktu intern??
kne mengewa sndri ke dye sdiakan??

// xde kaitan pn tp sje nk tau... huu~

acute_writer said...

Utk WD, tempat tinggal sendiri. Sebab tu die ade tanye time interview.

inginTahu said...

oeh... snang laa utk yg umah dkt...
TM hr tu dye xde tny pn...
n lpe jgk nk tny dorg... huu~
lgpn interview dlm group membuatkn
lpe kalo ade soalan sndri nk tny...
ok, result TM pn xkuar lg...
xyah pk lg...

*mcm sure dpt je... padahal persaingan rmai~
redha je laa... da usaha...

acute_writer said...

InsyaAllah kalau dh rezeki x ke mane. Yg dpt pun belum tentu lg akan diambil bekerja setelah tamat pengajian nanti. Banyak lg tapisan dan penilaian yang akan dilakukan.

inginTahu said...

btol2... kalau ade rezeki x lari gunung di kejar...
cuma kalau x kejar gunung tu xdtg ngn sndri, so at least berjln laa kot towards gunung tu... huhuhu

yup, kalau dpt pn bkn semestinye trus amek keje...
yg tu interviewer tu ade ckp
"ni bkn interview utk keje tau. kamu relax je"

Lya Wasniqa said...

Salam.. Sorry lau ganggu.. Sebenarnya, minggu lepas saya baru sahaja dapat emel dari heigip yg mana saya mndapat tawaran untuk menjalani latihan heigip di Maybank..dan saya perlu mendaftar 22 januari nih... Suprise must be, but sincerely said, i'm not prepare for any internship yet.. =,=" (kalau tak prepare, kenapa apply kan???huhu)

So, my question is how did your heigip internship? Is it really worth to go? Well, i really think so, but i just a little more push form people that already experience it like you... Hope you don't mind to share some of your experiences with heigip.. Thank you~ =)

acute_writer said...

Sorry lambat reply.. I think you have already know the answer. It depends on us. Bila buat internship nanti, jadi proaktif. Byk tanye staff permanent kt sane. Ambil peluang untuk belajar sebanyak mungkin :)