Saturday 10 October 2009

You should never meet your childhood heroes

Have you heard the above phrase? It is actually meant to ensure that we won't be disappointed to learn that our heroes is not as heroic as we thought he or she is. Change the word 'heroes' to 'dreams' in that phrase and I think in some ways it is absolutely true. I am sure that everybody had experienced a certain occasion when our dream is not as what we potrayed it is.

The reason why the phrase is true is simple. We are human being. We cannot see what's around the corner. It is like driving a car without the help of Garmin GPS system. We're just guessing that our destination is on the next junction. And if it is there, we are very lucky. The only difference is that in real life, we cannot simply reverse when we realize that we've entered the wrong junction. We must keep on going and try to find the shortest route to the right junction. By the time we hit the right juction, we shall encounter some casualities. It will cost us more time and money when we are in the wrong junction.

There is a very good reason why we made such a wrong justification. It goes back to the above phrase. It's because we just see what we want to see. Our mind is usually clouded. Clouded by our childhood heroes.

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